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I created this blog to share Maya scripts that I use on a regular basis at work. These scripts ARE NOT MY OWN, but I feel like passing along what I've acquired and learned to other artists. Enjoy!

Mirror Blendshapes (python script)

ALL credit goes to Seamus O'Hearn on Creative Crash.

Click on the link to download the Mirror Blends python script. 
Made a small tutorial on how to install and use, if you need the help.

1~ Copy script to Maya script folder.
2~ Run Maya... Copy, Paste to Script Editor (python tab)

import MirrorBlends
reload (MirrorBlends)

EDIT: Just keep the three lines of code... You'll get the error on a regular basis, but it should still work... without fail.

3~ Execute script (pretty self explanatory pop up window)

ALL credit goes to Seamus O'Hearn on Creative Crash.